Let us face the truth that most of mobile phone users do not love the design of the T-Mobile G1. Perhaps, the T-Mobile G1 is a landmark handset, considering it is the very first Google Android-powered mobile phone ever manufactured, but T-Mobile G1’s design could use a little more sexing up.Therefore, while those gorgeous handsome folks from HTC are lazily letting their weekend pass by, here is a concept that could help those guys in designing better version of what would have otherwise been known as the real HTC Dream (look at the picture above and below).

The Skinny mobile phone designed by David Turpin features both a large touch-screen display that accepts user-input, as well as a full, sideways-sliding QWERTY keypad. Of course, this design has been used in many other mobile phones before, but none of all those real-world handsets look as sleek and slim as this one. Moreover, this concept is also suitable to be implemented for the Apple iPhone too
Read more: http://doubledt.com/gadget/new-concept-for-t-mobile-g1-version-20.html#ixzz1nwAJKfvw
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