Innovation did not stop after the innovation of the first electric bulb and has continued to the present century. In as much as some people may hardly give thoughts to innovations like mouse traps, they have influenced and shaped our lives. 2010 unlike 310 AD has benefited from technological advancement thus enabling innovations of better products that not only simplifies life but are also affordable.
Discussed herein are some of top ten innovations that made the headlines in the year 2010.
1. Internet
Despite having been in place for years, we still think that the internet is still the greatest innovations of all times and the same applies for 2010. It has enabled different people to share information with one another thus facilitating. As technology advances so does the accessibility of internet technology.
2. Sixth Sense
We all talk about the sixth sense that women have and this has been brought into reality with the development of the sixth sense. The device enables you to do so many things that are intangibles for instance taking a photograph by creating a frame with your hands.
3. Electric Eye
Considered one of the greatest innovations to have come from MIT, the blind eye has been developed with a purpose to enable those who are blind to have an opportunity to see again.
4. Teleportation
Coming in at number four is an innovation that you won’t probably be seeing in the market for a while. Nonetheless, scientists working at the University of Maryland have managed to teleport information from one atom to another. Still at infancy it is expected that this will open doorways to the way people live once the final innovation is rolled out.
5. XM25 Counter Defilade Target Engagement System
Gaming seems to be continually evolving with the introduction of XM25 that. Its creation is purely intended for the US military enabling them to approximate target distance by utilizing laser range finder and pinpoints at the exact point where the bullet ought to hit. However, the innovation is still in its infant stages.6. Microsoft Project Natal
This is a prototype from Microsoft that is expected to transform the gaming industry. It is anticipated that it will be the first gaming not to have controllers. It is technologically advanced to enable you to control the game using your voice and movements.
7. Robotic Exoskeleton
Considered as one of the greatest innovations of the present century that has been specially designed to make the aged have some form of mobility. It is estimated that the innovation will enable those utilizing them to have ten times their current strength. In spite of still being in the infant stages, it is expected that when it rolls out, it will greatly alter a majority of people’s lives.
8. Smart Thermostat
Given that most modern homes run on gas and electricity, you now have an interface from which you can monitor how much you are consuming. In addition, it provides you a platform from which you can switch on and off appliances and control temperatures in the house.
9. Android Phone
The smart phone market niche was revolutionized with the introduction of the android. It offers an alternative to expensive smart phones, e.g. iPhones by providing you with office application and runs on the Google run android operating system. A plus for the phone is that the software used is open source which allows users to develop their own interfaces and manage numerous types of hardware.
10. Littmann Electronic Stethoscope
At number ten is 3M Littmann Electronic Stethoscope. Since the innovation of the first stethoscope, not so much advancement has been made to it. However, with the new Littmann Electronic Stethoscope, there have been major changes, for example, not only does the equipment listen to a patient’s heartbeat, but is able to record it and play I back. In addition, the sound can be transmitted in real time to a computing device for further analysis. A plus for the device, is that it has the capability to capture some of the silent sounds in the heart which are underlying symptoms for heart defects.
There are other plenty of innovations that were made in 2010 that by no doubt transformed the landscape that have not been mentioned in this list. Some are still at the initial development stages and are expected to revolutionize personal lives and businesses as well.
Technology continually changes and by the end of this year, the above could be relegated to the bottom.
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